Codeless Automation

Don’t bother about it as our team at tsQs will ease your burden with our wide range of automation capabilities.

Our select team of Architects and experts will co-ordinate to scrutinize your problems and discern your challenges. Based on this analysis, an automation program and strategy will be conceptualised which will then enable your team and your organisation to make rapid advances in automation.

Our Quality Automation and Ideation and Innovation professionals are adept in their respective fields and work on cutting-edge technologies. They are deft in handling scriptless testing tools which embed trending features such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Some of the tools engaged by them are:

GUI Automation

Since GUI is to be performed on the interface where the user interacts with the system, our GUI experts will hand-hold your team in the entire process.

Challenges in GUI Testing and where we step in?

  • The process is more difficult than interface testing
  • Time-consuming and intensive usage of resources
  • More challenging since the user interface is ever changing
  • Performed from a User’s perspective and hence confirms the deployment capability of an application

We have a team of certified and experienced professionals in the GUI automation space to assist you with every aspect.

Although a tedious process, our technical prowess in this field will guarantee you peace of mind and assure software deployment on time.


The pace at which technology is advancing is enormous and organisations today need to accelerate to ensure that they are not left behind. The field of Software testing too is evolving every day and hence it is imperative that organisations need to be agile, steady and adaptable.

To keep up pace and not get lost in the whirlwinds of this evolution, the focus should be adapted from GUI testing to newer technologies such as API testing.

The case for API’s to be considered is that they are the primary interface in application logic. This aspect enables us to test requirements immediately after the development of API’s and helps us avoid waiting for the GUI to be developed.

Mobile App Automation

In an era where there more than 4.32 billion mobile internet users or roughly 90 percent of the global internet population use a mobile device to go online, how can you, as an organisation, be left behind?

Well, there is nothing to be perplexed about it. Automation of mobile applications is an integral part of success for any organisation in this space as it is both cost-effective and ensures a global outreach.

Having been in this space since the evolution of Mobile Internet and Smartphones, we have always been at the forefront of innovation and adoption of vanguard technologies. This has also made us aware of the challenges and complexities in the field of Automation of Mobile Applications and accordingly enabled us create solutions based on our client needs and resources.

Service Virtualization

When it comes to Software Testing, it is of paramount importance for companies to achieve the finest quality at great speed. This can be achieved if the organisation has access to a dependable and practical test environment.

The fact is that most of the organisations involved in testing have multiple dependencies. This can be gauged from the fact that the entire process of enterprise application development is not standalone and is contingent on diverse applications. It is also compounded by the fact that all these applications are integrated in perplexing ways.

Hence, it is essential that enterprises are provided with reliable testing across their integrated digital landscape in order to ensure that they are able to deliver their digital initiatives meticulously and on schedule.

Certified Professionals

Organizations often question the need to be partnered with certified professionals when they have their own set of employees who they feel are qualified and experienced in their domain.

However, an important aspect to be considered when utilizing the services of a Certified Professional is that it reduces the risks associated with software testing and ultimately keeps the costs low. In addition to this, companies can also mitigate and often eliminate the risks associated with reputation and loss of brand identity.

Further, at tsQs, our professionals come with industry-level global certifications and with years of testing experience which help in reducing product delivery timelines.
Our experience and research have found that the use of Certified Professionals assists organizations in multiple ways.

Industry Leading Tools

The tools in any testing environment should be able to help automate testing, increase speed of product delivery for the organisation and also perform an expansive range of tests.

Since every organisation is aimed at become Agile, it is vital that the testing scenario also adapts to technology changes and exploits the latest tools in the testing field. Since every testing team is different and the tools required are not similar, there can never be a one-size-fits-all approach in a testing environment.

We then need to ascertain client requirements with regard to general software for QA, Mobile app and the phase of testing that the organisation is currently in.

The criteria for selection of a testing tool should be:

  • User Interface
  • Usability
  • Features & Functionality
  • Compatibility with multiple devices and browsers
  • Congruence with different programming languages
  • Reporting, Integration and Value for money

Since there are several testing tools available, our goal at tsQs is to provide expert advice to the organisation based on their requirement and feasibility so that they can take meaningful and well-informed decisions.

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